Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Genealogy Goals for the Fall

Tina Lyons (her blog) posted her genealogy goals for the fall.  Good idea, Tina.  Here are mine:

1) Scan, scan, scan. I still have so much to scan.
2) Organize, organize, organize.
3) Work on my Italian line.  I have ordered a bunch of microfilms from the Family History Library, which should arrive any day now.
4) Order more Italian records when I am finished with this batch.
5) Write/order documents from Italian municipal buildings in Catania, Palagonia, and Mineo.
6) Continue sourcing my Norwegian line.
7) Develop another genealogy Web site I have had in mind.
8) Work hard on my 18 month Progen (Professional Genealogy) course. I am so excited about this course!
9) Try and make it to a genealogy conference or expo of some kind. I think there is one in Atlanta soon.
10) If I find the money, take a trip to the Salt Lake City Family History Library (this is not likely to happen, but I can dream:).
11) Work on my Norwegian family history book.
12) Continue to pursue descendants of common ancestors/relatives and share information and pictures.
13) Convert tapes of my Italian grandmother telling stories (from the 70s and early 80s) to CD, and see if a major noise reduction is achievable.
14) Finish transcribing my Italian grandfather's diary (written in 1915 when he was 15 years old) into computer text, and also translate it into English (this may take a while).
15) Update my files with the information I learned during my trip to Norway this summer.
16) Develop my genealogy library, and read more books.
17) Oh, there is more to do, but I will stop here.

What is your list?


  1. Wow - you are one busy lady!!! :D

    Is the ProGen course very "US" or would I as a norwegian genealogist find it useful? I would love to have that course!

    I will make my list one beautiful day, but I have to think about it first! :)

  2. I just love your blog, and I just started blogging myself in earnest. Anyway, I wanted to say hi and give you credit for inspiring me to make my own list.

  3. Thanks to both of you! The Progen course is really good so far. I will post about it soon. No, I don't think it is just for the U.S. Greg, thanks for the compliments. Your blog and Web site look great! Wow, you have done a lot!

  4. I am with you. You don't know where you are going until YOu know where you have been. I have adopted that myself. thanks for being a follower and I would like to follow you as well.

  5. Glad I could inspire you to make your own goal list. Good luck!
